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Teaching And Teacher Performance, Important to Improve the Quality of Education |
Planning for Learning. Teaching And Teacher Performance, Important to Improve the Quality of Education
Discusses the development of teacher performance preceded by a general explanation of the concept of performance, the determining factors of performance, models of performance and assessment of performance and function. Besides, it also discussed the performance of teachers with regard to the learning process and performance in professional development, and in order to understand the significance of professional development was also expressed about the meaning of the profession and the professional development of teachers as educators.
Teaching and learning process should be planned so that the implementation of learning is going well and can achieve the expected results. Each plan is always concerned with thinking about what to do. Teaching and learning program planning, estimating about what action will be done at the time of carrying out learning. To create a good learning plan and can hold an ideal learning process, every teacher must know the elements of good learning plan. According to Hunt (1999:24) in Majid (2005:94), the elements of the learning plan is to identify students' needs, goals to be achieved, the various strategies and scenarios that are relevant are used to achieve objectives, and evaluation criteria. Mulyasa (2004:80), suggested the development of teaching and preparation should take into account the interest and attention of learners to the materials used as study materials.
In this case the teacher's role not only as a transformer, but it should serve as a motivator that can arouse passion to learn, and to encourage students to learn by using a variety of media, and appropriate learning resources and supports the development of competence. In this regard is. Mulyasa (2004:80), put forward several principles that must be considered in developing teaching preparation, namely: Formulation in the preparation of teaching competence should be clear. The more concrete competencies, the more easily observed and more precisely the activities that must be done to establish these outcomes. Preparation of teaching must be simple and flexible and can be implemented in the learning activities and the formation of learners' competence.
Activities that are organized and developed in preparation for teaching should be supported and in accordance with the established competencies. Preparation of teaching that was developed to complete and thorough, and clear accomplishments. There should be coordination between the implementing components of school programs, especially when implemented in a team learning (team teaching) or moving a class
Majid (2005:95) argues, so that teachers can make effective preparation for teaching and was effective, is required to understand the various aspects related to the development of teaching preparation, both related to the nature, functions, principles and procedures for the development of teaching preparation, and measuring the effectiveness of teaching . A good lesson plans according to Gagne and Briggs (1974) in Majid (2005:96) should contain three components, called the anchor point, namely: (1) teaching purposes, (2) subject matter, teaching materials, teaching approaches and methods, media teaching and learning experience, and (3) evaluation of success. This is in accordance with the opinion of Moore (2001: 126) that the composition of the format includes lesson plans topic components, learning objectives (competencies and indicators of competence), subject matter, learning activities, equipment / media required, and evaluation of learning outcomes. According to Suryadi and Mulyana (1993:21), "teaching and learning program" is nothing but a projection of teachers regarding the actions required during the learning progress of students. In these activities in detail explains where students will be taken (purpose), what to learn (the content of teaching materials), how students learn (methods and techniques), and how do we know that students have to achieve (assessment).
Suryadi and Mulyana further argued, the main elements that must exist in the planning of teaching, namely: (1) goals to be achieved, of the forms of what behavior you want to have students after the teaching-learning process, (2) learning materials or content that can lead students to reach objectives, (3) methods and techniques used, namely how the teaching-learning process that will be created to enable students to teachers achieving the goal, and (4) assessment, namely how to create and use tools to determine the purpose is achieved or no. Based on the above description can be understood that the elements are very important in the lesson plan are: (1) what to teach, this question concerns the competencies to be achieved, indicators, indicator, teaching materials and materials that will be delivered to achieve competency it; (2) how to teach it, this question regarding the various strategies that will be developed in the learning process, including the development of a variety of optional activities for students in completing their tasks; (3) how to evaluate the results of their study, these questions must be answered by designing a type of evaluation to measure the students' absorption of the material they learned in the session.
Thus, the performance of teachers in planning lessons that used in this research study includes indicators, (1) formulate teaching objectives, (2) selecting and developing teaching materials, (3) planning of teaching and learning activities, including planning approaches and teaching methods, measures of teaching and learning activities, tools and learning resources, and (4) planning the assessment. b. Implementing Learning Learning or teaching-learning process is a process governed by certain stages, to implementation achieving the expected results. Stages of learning activities according to Majid (2005:104) includes the initial, core activities, and closing activities. Usman (1994:120) suggests the implementation of procedures to start learning a lesson, manage teaching and learning activities, organizing time, students, and learning facilities, conducting the assessment process and results of the lesson, and ended the lesson. Sudirman, et al. (1991:77) the implementation of learning includes three main activities, namely the early tests, processes, and final test.
Based on the above descriptions, the implementation of learning can be described by three main activities, namely open learning, convey subject matter, and close the learning. c. Evaluate Learning Assessment is an attempt to obtain information about student learning gains as a whole, both the knowledge, concepts, attitudes, values, and processes. This can be used by teachers as a reversal or decisions are required in determining appropriate teaching strategies and in improving teaching and learning process. To this effect, teachers need to assess both the process and the results of learning.
Usman defined assessment process (1994:38) as "an assessment of the learning process is in progress, conducted by the teacher by providing direct feedback to a student or group of students". Next Usman (1994:38) explains the process and practice the skills developed attitudes that you want as a creative, cooperative, responsible, and disciplined manner in accordance with the emphasis on the relevant field of study. Thus, the approach is a process of skills learning and teaching approaches that lead to the development of mental abilities, the physical, social and fundamental as a driver of a higher capacity within the individual student. Some ability or skill contained in the assessment processes include observing, classifying, interpreting, predicting, implementing, planning research, and communicate. In the final assessment, according to Usman (1994:126) teachers need to consider these things as follows: (1) species assessment in accordance with the teaching and learning activities that have been granted, (2) in accordance with the objectives, (3) in accordance with lesson materials, (4) the results are interpreted.
The results of teacher assessment should be followed up. After the end of teaching and learning activities in addition there are students who can master the subject matter is not rare there are still students who do not master the subject matter well, as reflected in the value or lower learning outcomes than most of the students in her class. In this regard, according to Majid (2005:236) there are some things you can do the teachers, among others, carry out improvement of teaching, learning enrichment, accelerated program, coaching attitudes and good study habits, and increased motivation to learn.
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