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Domestic Violence, Maybe It Is Not Foreign To Your Ears |
Violence against women has grown in line with the growth of human needs. Violence against women by the United Nations in the declaration of the elimination of violence against women in Article 1 is any act of gender-based violence that have caused or will cause pain or suffering to women physically, sexually, psychologically, including threats, restrictions on liberty, coercion, both happened in a public area or domestic. According to Herkutanto, violence against women is an act or attitude is done with a specific purpose that can harm women physically and psychologically. In addition there is also another sense of the violence, which according to Mansour Fakih. Violence is an attack or invasion of the integration of physical and mental integrity of one's psychology.
Domestic Violence, Maybe It Is Not Foreign To Your Ears
Definition of domestic violence according to the first scholars, domestic violence is a mystery arguments made by the husband to his wife or his son a painful and lasting. Definition of domestic violence according to the second ayang side dish, domestic violence is an argument made by the husband to his wife that resulted in the lack of harmony between the two. According to the first scholars cpc mustgfiirin, in interpreting the letter was not in the tesktual mean like the verse, hitting just make deterrent effect. While hitting is not excessive in the sense in which mentions the first scholars to hit it with a tool that does not endanger such a piece of stick, and pemukulanpun conducted in areas not prone to not hurt his wife, essentially just to make the deterrent effects that will not do it again. Or could this mean beating in a word, a reprimand.
Domestic violence is any act against someone, especially women, misery or suffering physical, sexual, psychological, and / or negligence of household including threat to commit acts, coercion, or deprivation of liberty unlawfully within the scope of the household. So it is necessary to understand that domestic violence is not only physical violence is always the problem that resulted in physical injuries, but also in which sexual violence, psychological violence and neglect.
The scope and forms of domestic violence
Who are included in domestic violence, an understanding of domestic violence. Not only the nuclear family (husband, wife, and children), but also includes those who have family ties with the nuclear family by blood, marriage (in-law, son-in-law, and besan), dairy, custody and guardianship, no exception any person who worked to help the household and living in the household in question, because in this law people working to assist the household is seen as a family member.
Domestic violence, Article 5 of Law PKDRT explained that everyone prohibited from engaging in domestic violence against people in the scope of the household, by: (a) physical violence (acts that result in pain, sickness, or serious injury). (b) psychological violence (acts that result in fear, loss of confidence, loss of ability to act, a sense of helplessness, and / or serious psychic suffering on someone). (c) Sexual Violence (forcing sexual intercourse carried out against an individual living within the scope of the household or by others for commercial purposes and / or specific purpose). (d) Neglect of households (actions resulting economic dependence by restricting and / or banning to work properly inside or outside the home so that the victim is under the control of that person).
How Should Victims of domestic violence act?
Every form of domestic violence is a violation of human rights, so that every victim who experienced entitled to report and obtain protection from the authorities, health services, psychological counseling and advocacy, as well as spiritual guidance services. Often victims do not report the violence they experienced because of various reasons.
First, it could be the victim does not know that what happened is a form of violence and it naturally occurs. Secondly, because of fear known by the perpetrator which will result in more severe. Third, shame because it was considered as disgrace the family. Fourth, let go because the perpetrator as the backbone of the family, and many other reasons. One thing that is difficult is owned victims of domestic violence is a "mental brave", daring to report on the violence experienced by the authorities, daring to get a better life, and dare to be human more meaningful. Because, basically, everyone is entitled to feel safe and comfortable, and for whatever reason a person not entitled to harm others.
According to scholars of both (cpc Tamam) in the letter has a broad interpretation. He suggested that it is a nuzyus crimes committed by the istrai, said a crime karna wife has dared to leave the rights and obligations in the household. Then he interprets the word 'fadribu' meaning it does not always hit, depending on the sequence position of the word in the verse of al-qur'an or in the sentence. He menatakan that fadribuhun the first time is an advice that would be dimenerti by his wife. The point is almost the same as the first clergy. It's just that he is more emphasized how the right way so that his wife was not until nuzyus.
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