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Behavioristic Learning Theory is a theory which emphasizes learning in human behavior. Looking at the individual as being reactive to give the response to lingkungan.Pengalaman and maintenance will shape their behavior. The hallmark of this theory is the priority elements and a small part, is mechanistic, emphasizing the role of the environment, concerned with the formation of a reaction or response, stressed the importance of exercise, concerned with the mechanisms of learning, the role of ability and importance of learning the results obtained is the emergence of the desired behavior. In this learning theory is often called psychological SR means that human behavior is controlled by rewards or reward and reinforcement, or reinforcement from the environment. Thus the learning behavior is closely interwoven between behavioral reactions.
Teachers who hold this view that berpandapat student behavior is a reaction to the environment and is the result of learning.
A. Edward Lee Thorndike (1874-1949)
According to Thorndike studied the formation event associations anatara event called stimulus and response. This learning theory called the theory of "connectionism". The experiment was carried out with the cat entered the cage when the door closed which can be opened automatically when Knop in the cage untouched. Experiment produced a theory Trial and Error. The characteristics of learning by trial and error is: the activity, there are various responses to various situations, adal eliminasai of the wrong responses, there are reactions progress goals. Thorndike discovered laws.
- Law of readiness (Law of Readiness)
If an organism is supported by a strong readiness for the implementation of the stimulus behavior will cause the individual gratification that tend strengthened.
- Legal training
The more often a behavior trained or used the stronger the association.
- Legal due
Stimulus and response relationships tend to be strengthened if the result of fun and tend to be weakened if akibanya unsatisfactory.
B. Iván Petrovich Pavlo (1849-1936) and Watson Pavlo laboratories experimenting on dogs. In this experiment give a dog in that bersarat stimulus bersarat reaction in dogs. Examples of such situations in the human experiment is a bell on a timer class to unwitting cause of the tagging process something that sounds different from food vendors, bell, and the queue at the bank. From these examples were applied to individual Pavlo strategy can be controlled through how to change the natural stimulus with an appropriate stimulus to get the desired response repetition. While individuals are not consciously controlled by the stimulus from the outside. Learning according to this theory is a process of change that occurs because of the conditions that cause the most important in learning reaksi.Yang according to this theory is the existence of practice and repetition. The weakness of this theory is to learn just happens automatically active and personal determination ignored.
C. Carlk L. Hull Reinforcement is an important factor in the learning that should exist. But for Hull reinforcement functions more as a drive factor reduction than satisfied. In studying the necessary SR relationships examined is the role of intervening variables (also known as an element of O (organisms). Factor O is the internal situation and something that summed (Inferred), the effect can be seen on the R factor of the output.
D. Skinner (1904-1990) Skinner considers rierforcement rewards and is an important factor dalan learning. Skinner argues that the purpose of psychology is to predict the behavior control. Pda this theory teacher gift or reward high value so that the child will be more diligent. This theory is also called operant conditioning.
Operant conditing ensure stimuli.Bila response to stimuli does not show the teacher can not guide the students to direct their behavior. Teachers have a role in controlling and directing students in the learning process that achieved the desired goals Skinner divided into 2 types of responses.
- Respondents
Response due to specific stimuli such as Pavlo.
- Operans
- Response due to random circumstances. Operans conditioning is a process of strengthening operans behavior that can lead to such behavior can be started again or disappear at will.
Skinners learning principles are:
o The results of study should be immediately notified if any student is given a corrected if the amplifier.
o The learning process must follow the rhythm of the study. Subject matter is used as a module system.
o In the process of learning more overlooked his own activities, do not use punishment. For environments that need to be changed to avoid punishment.
o the desired behavior are rewarded and educators should be given to use of the prize variable schedule reinforcer ratio.
o be used in learning shapping
E. Robert Gagne (1916-2002) Gagne's theory is widely used to design Instructional Software (Drill a Tutorial Program). The biggest contribution of Gagne's theory is 9 Instructional Instructional conditions:
- Gaining attention = get attention
- Intorm learner of objectives = inform students about the objectives to be achieved
- Stimulate recall of prerequisite learning = stimulation of basic skills to prepare students to learn.
- Present new material = new presentation of material
- Provide guidance = provide coaching
- Elicit performance = bring action
- Provide feedback about correctness = ready to give direct feedback to the good results
- Assess performance = Assessing learning outcomes indicated
- Enhance retention and recall = increase the memory storage process and recall. Gagne called the modern noebehaviouristik encourages teachers to plan lessons so that the atmosphere and learning styles can be modified.
F. Albert Bandura (1925-present) Bandura's theory is the study of social learning theory or social cognitive and self-efficacy showed the importance of observing and imitating the behaviors, attitudes and emotions of others. Bandura's theory explains human behavior in the context of the interaction behavior under continuous timbale between kognitine behavioral and environmental influences. Factors which proceeds in the observation is concern, considering, the production of motor, motivation. Applications theory of student learning. Teachers who use the paradigm of behaviorism will compile teaching materials that have been prepared so that the goals of students occupied delivered intact by the teacher. Teachers not only gave a speech but also the examples. Hierarchy of learning materials developed from simple to complex. The results of learning can be measured and observed, mistakes can be corrected. The expected result is the formation of a desired behavior.
Weaknesses and strengths. This method is very suitable for the acquisition of skills that require practice and conditioning that contain elements of spontaneity, flexibility, speed endurance and so on. This theory is also suitable to be applied to train the children who still need a parent's role. Disadvantages of this method is student-centered learning on teachers are mechanical and only results-oriented. Students considered passive, students just listen, memorize the teacher explained that teachers as a central and authoritarian.
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