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Islam, Politics And Boarding School; Ancient Education Concept
Should Be Maintained
Islamic political thought is about the institution of the Islamic Caliphate. The definition of empire is the belief that religious and political power must be brought together in a centralized government under one roof, enabling the shari'ah can be applied and protected the Muslim community. (Eickelman and Piscatori, 1996: 60). This can be a Islamic government in a country, regional or area, and the empire which includes the administration of all Islamic countries around the world.
Base thinking fundamentalists who defend and idealize the Islamic Caliphate is din wa daulah integration based on the verses of the Qur'an as QS. An-Nisa '4:59 of obedience to God's commandments, Apostles and the people in charge of you. Also built on the example given of the Prophet Muhammad, in which at the same time he served as spiritual leader and leader of the political community.
Politics comes from the Greek Polis that means town or country, which then appear the words polities which means citizens and said which means citizenship. Politics is the art of the state outlined in practice in the field, so it can be explained how Imbungan between people (people) who live in a place (region) that despite having differences of opinion and interests, continue to recognize the existence of a common interest to achieve the goals and objectives national. Implementation of state power is entrusted to a body / institution that is the government.
Politics is the process of formation and distribution of power in society which, among other tangible decision-making process, especially in the country. This understanding was the merger effort between many different definitions about the nature of politics that is known in political science. Various Kinds of Political System - There are many kinds of political systems developed by a country that exist throughout the world such as fascism, communism, liberalism, Marxism, capitalism, feminism, federalism, democracy, globalism, dictatorship, religious fundamentalism, imperialism, racism , oligarchy, monarchy, libertarianism, socialism, nationalism, theoraksi, totaliteralisme.
Politics is the process of formation and distribution of power in society which, among other tangible decision-making process, especially in the country. This understanding was the merger effort between many different definitions about the nature of politics that is known in political science. Various Kinds of Political System - There are many kinds of political systems developed by a country that exist throughout the world such as fascism, communism, liberalism, Marxism, capitalism, feminism, federalism, democracy, globalism, dictatorship, religious fundamentalism, imperialism, racism , oligarchy, monarchy, libertarianism, socialism, nationalism, theoraksi, totaliteralisme.
The whole concept of religion and state relationship has long been a debate of fun and dynamic. On many occasions the two camps that have ups and downs together, in the sense that at one time a stronghold of the dominant ideas and attract a lot of support, at other times a different faction's turn to be dominant and decorating ideas country disebuah main stream. In practice fundamentalists often mengejewantahkan what he believed to be a movement of action, whether in the form of a democratic and in the form of anarchy. In response to actions that occurred anarchist dissent in his own fundamentalists, some agree, are some of the other. Who agree argued the proposition that the current condition is a state of war that are pagan dankaum around him are infidels who should harby to be fought.
Opinions were not allowed action anarchists argue that the current situation is not a state of war, but a state of peace. Are the infidels around them are protected dhimmi infidels by Islamic law that bothered even threatened heavy sanctions. This faction also argued that the action would damage the anarchists even the whole struggle and will not solve the problem. In observation of experts politikdi Islamic world, political strife and political constellation in the Islamic countries is no more and no less than the political struggles in other places who apply modern democracy. According to the Eickelman and Piscatori. Muslim politics also involves competition and rivalry, both are about the interpretation of symbols as well as for the control of institutions, formal or informal, who gave birth and to support that interpretation. The interpretation of symbols played in the background of a basic framework of a general nature for the Muslims around the world. It must be noted that the doctrinal considerations are only one factor among many other factors that contribute to the creation of this framework.
A political system, both in the Islamic world and elsewhere, must involve the management of competition and even conflict of various interests. Indeed, the allocation of authority over resources and the determination of the boundaries of that authority is an integral part of the political process, but not the whole political process itself. The concept of who gets what, when and where and the separation between the scope of activities that are political and non political must also be emphasized as a point of a broader equation. One also has to be seen dichotomy prevalent in political analysis, such as the political "high level" and "lower", "public" and "private", and the recognition of each other's net tunnel (interpenetrating networks) are developed in social and political life of the Ummah Islam.
Idealize the author personally a party with Islamic principles and Islamic behavior overall. Ideally, I still see the possibility of an Islamic party that makes Islam as a principle. The principle is not only a political commodity, but also a basic struggle, the handle and the guide of life for all members, managers and elite parties. Although the history of Muslim politics of idealism does not support this writer in many ways but I still see the cracks that allow the Islamic party's ideals, such as starting the growth of the intellectual class who are very concerned with Islamic teachings and apply them in everyday behavior, is also very familiar with the dynamics of the modern world and capable of adapting secular democratic system in its struggle. If then this group also failed to hold the teachings of Islam as a principle in all aspects of political life, then no longer justified the existence of a political party called mengatas Islamic, in various forms of claims.
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