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Mohammad Natsir is great. He was a great politician, intellectually brilliant, charismatic scholars, preachers perfect, great fighters and many other titles that can be pinned to him. One of the "face" is quite prominent Natsir, in addition to some "face" on this, is Natsir as a thinker and practitioner education. In the field of education, and thinking in the footsteps Natsir looks very real. Both of his writings, struggles, and legacy-legacy of the institution.
Biography Mohammad Natir come from the Land of Minang. He was born on July 17, 1908, in Long Alahan, Gumanti Valley, Solok regency, West Sumatra. Her parents are partners Sutan Saripado Idris and Khadija. After getting married Natsir got the title of "Datuk Sinaro Long".
The concept of Education Mohammad Natsir According to Mohammad Natsir, were essentially Tarbiyah religion or religious education taught by God to His servants. One of nature is the Supreme Lord in any means or Maha Set Educating the universe. These words, according Natsir tarbiyah covers the issues and ukhrawi worldly, spiritual and physical, intellectual and ethical character, formal and non-formal, and directed against themselves, their families and communities. Because Tarbiyah is a process that never stopped the study, educate and get education is the duty of all ages.
About the urgency of this education Natsir also writes: Advance or retreat of one, depending largely to the lessons and education that apply in their circles. There is not a backward nation to advance, but after holding and improving children's education and their youth.
As for the notion of education, Natsir explained: The so-called education is a physical and spiritual leadership that leads to perfection and complete human nature with a real sense. Educational Objectives according Natsir, the purpose of education is equal to the purpose of life. The purpose of life is thought to be the servant of God. Regarding this became a servant of God Natsir explains: "To worship God is to complete all the obedience and submission to the divine command, which led to the greatness of the world and the next victory, and keep away from all the restrictions that hinder the achievement meghalang world and the next victory was".
Character of Islamic Education According to Mohammad Natsir, education should be given to students is that education has an integral and universal nature. Universal means that education is not associated with the West or East. Because the West and East Natsir are the same, both creatures of God who are new (huduts). While education is an integral means do not recognize the separation between the physical and spiritual, as well as world and the hereafter. Islamic education so that it led to the happiness of a person in thrall to God Almighty and in order to build on a better tomorrow, in the world and the Hereafter.
So the education system is universal, integral and harmonious is no longer recognize the dichotomy between general education and religion. All religions basically, whatever the field and entered the discipline. The excess Natsir in the face of such circumstances is that he was familiar with both sides facing the education prakik Ummah at that time. As a child he was familiar with the educational model in the form of pesantren education in Surau. At the same time Natsir also familiar with the Dutch-style education system because he was Dutch school. Likewise when Natsir adulthood. With the AMS school, he became very familiar with the Dutch educational system. While at the same time, with the Koran to the A. Hassan Natsir become more familiar with the Islamic education system ala Islamic School. Such a background that makes Natsir understand that the two models of education. So then education idea. Even then Natsir tried to apply that idea in Pendis and Pesantren Persis.
About Educators Mohammad Natsir is concerned educators. According to the children is the mandate given by God Almighty to parents. The task is to educate the child's parents, because as explained in one Prophet haditsnya, every child is born in a state of nature (sacred). And orantuanyalah determine what will be his son's future, yahudikah, nasranikah or majusikah. Then Natsir that the obligation to educate children not only its obligatory duties' ain for every parent, but also obligatory for the party of kifayah Muslims are [32]. It means, "The Muslims must hold from among us, too, a group that will educate our children, so that educated the children were not given to those who are not congenial, not sedasar, not faith and religion is not with us"
Closing It was clear that the concept of education is held and obliged to Mohammad Natsir from the beginning until the end of his life seemed consistent. This, like Mochtar Naim written because in explaining the concepts of education, always refer to the primary reference source, namely al-Qur `an and al-Hadith [34].
Also Mohammad Natsir also look very consistent to build and education. This is because the principles that have been held since he was young, that education is a very important issue to advance the public. No wonder the results Mohammad Natsir efforts in education that, until now still feels the benefits to the community and Indonesian Muslims.
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